GetSegway – The Segway & eBike Tours in Budapest
Drinking water quality in Budapest
Drinking water quality in Budapest

The tap water in Budapest is safe to drink and of high quality, so there’s no need to buy bottled water unless you prefer to do so. Budapest has a well-maintained water system, and the water comes from natural sources, many of which are the same sources that supply the city’s famous thermal baths.

You’ll also find public drinking fountains throughout the city, especially in parks and near major tourist attractions. These are perfectly safe to use, and they offer a convenient way to stay hydrated while exploring.

If you’re visiting one of the many thermal baths in Budapest, you’ll likely come across “drinking wells” that offer mineral-rich water believed to have health benefits. These waters can taste a bit unusual due to their mineral content, but they’re safe to drink and part of Hungary’s spa culture.

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